Your Chance to Virtually Attend a Meeting to Speak for Grizzlies


The Yellowstone Ecosystem Subcommittee (YES) of the Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee’s fall meeting will take place next week on October 28th and 29th. A workshop will be offered on Thursday to discuss the Tech Team’s findings on three different grizzly-human conflict topics. You can choose which topic you would like to be a part of. This is your chance to speak up for grizzly bears and let the agencies know what you want them to make a priority for reducing conflicts and saving bears’ lives.

October 28: the subcommittee will meet to discuss business that was previously talked about at the spring meeting as well as new topics. View a video of the spring meeting here. Members of the public can register by clicking the button below prior to the start of the meeting. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions to join. You can watch this meeting but will not be able to comment. If you do have a comment on the YES Spring 2020 meeting presentations and discussion, please submit it in writing to by 5PM on 10/29 to be included in the notes of the meeting.

October 29:  A technical team working under the guidance of YES has developed a draft document Recommendations for reducing bear-human conflicts and grizzly bear mortalities in the Yellowstone Ecosystem: a report to the Yellowstone Ecosystem Subcommittee. This report has synthesized information from agencies and the public into recommendations under five broad categories. Three of these categories lend themselves to further action by YES and other partners. These include Backcountry and Hunting Related ConflictsFront Country Conflicts and Community Planning and Livestock Conflicts and Producer Outreach. For the workshop, the subcommittee will focus on the technical team’s highest priority for each broad category. When you register by clicking the button below, you will be asked which category discussion you would most like to participate in.

Wednesday, October 28: 2PM-5PM is the YES Fall Business meeting. The public can watch but will not be able to engage.

Thursday, October 29: 8:30AM-11:30AM is the virtual workshop to engage YES committee members, agency staff, partners and the public on the Tech Team report.

Read more here
Agenda for meeting
Register for meeting here

Photo of Grizzly 610: Richardson Nature Photography

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