US Fish and Wildlife Decides to Keep Yellowstone Grizzlies Protected


Fighting to Permanently Protect Grizzly Bears

Grizzlies are a keystone species & are worth more alive than dead. We’re fighting to keep them wild and alive, not mounted on a wall.

Advocating for Ethical, Science-Based Management of Elk

With Chronic Wasting Disease looming, elk are too vulnerable on feedgrounds. Science, not politics, should guide management.

Returning wolves to their rightful place in Wyoming’s ecosystems

Recent regulation changes have made the majority of the state’s wolves fair game to kill – for no reason. We think that’s wrong.

Grizzlies confirmed and presumed dead in 2024

Percent of Grizzlies Dead Due to Conflicts with Humans and Livestock

percent more elk than target population

Wolves Killed in Wyoming in 2024

Current Campaigns

Wyoming Wildlife Campaign

The Wyoming Wildlife Campaign (WWC) is dedicated to addressing and preventing animal cruelty in our state. Sparked by the wolf torture incident in Daniel, Wyoming, our Wyoming Draws the Line campaign reflects our commitment to outlawing the abuse of wild animals. Guided by the principle ‘Know where to draw the line’ from the Wyoming Cowboy Code of Ethics, we strive to embody the humane treatment of animals that is cherished by most Wyomingites.

JH Bear Solutions

JH Bear Solutions seeks to remove barriers and improve access to bear-resistant trash cans for all residents of Teton County — regardless of their financial status. We seek to empower all residents to adhere to local ordinances as well as take responsibility for their part in living alongside bears.

Program Areas

Camp Creek Dead Elk


Holding government agencies accountable for proper wildlife management.

Mountain Lion 2


Educating visitors and residents about wildlife issues in Wyoming.

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Wildlife Guide

Empowering people to learn more about the threats Wyoming’s wildlife face.

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Speaking out for our wildlife and educating the public on wildlife issues.

WWA is a Proud Member of the Following Coalitions


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