IF YOU WANT JUSTICE FOR THE WOLF THAT WAS TORTURED, READ ON: If you have been wondering why you haven’t heard from us yet on the wolf that was run over with a snowmobile and then tortured and used for cruel entertainment, it’s because we have been leading the charge for accountability from public officials and the call for change. We are working non-stop around the clock with other state, regional, and national groups to end this suffering for animals in Wyoming. The senseless killing of this young wolf, who was run over by a snowmobile, had his mouth taped shut and then paraded through a local bar, has shocked and appalled people around the country and the world. This egregious act of cruelty cannot be tolerated, and we will not rest until Wyoming enacts robust laws to prevent such atrocities from ever happening again. No animal should have to suffer such a fate, and we are committed to fighting tirelessly to ensure that Wyoming’s wildlife are safeguarded and treated with the dignity and compassion they deserve. The time for action is NOW. We are calling on state agency officials and lawmakers to take immediate steps to close the loopholes that allowed this heinous act to occur. We are pursuing all avenues. We won’t stop until it is illegal to chase and run over any animal with a snowmobile. We have developed a strategic plan to create lasting change and we aren’t slowing down until our goals are accomplished. The Wyoming Game and Fish Department (WGFD) issued a statement that cited all the reasons why they couldn’t do anything else in this horrific case. What they need to do now is do everything they can to ensure this won’t happen again and their hands are not tied in animal abuse cases. In 2019, a bill was brought by our friends at Wyoming Untrapped and Representative Mike Yin from Teton County to try and outlaw running over animals with snowmobiles. It was thrown out and didn’t even make it out of committee. Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen again. The WGF Commission and WGFD, along with Governor Gordon, have the responsibility to ensure legislation is introduced and passed in 2025 that will lead to outlawing cruelty for all Wyoming wildlife. Many people are reaching out to ask what they can do to help. We have something for you. Next Tuesday and Wednesday, April 16 & 17, the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission is meeting in Riverton at the Holiday Inn. This meeting did not originally include any topics on animal cruelty or running over animals with snowmobiles. However, upon contacting the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission President, Richard Ladwig said, “I am as disturbed about this as anybody should be” and indicated the Commission would be now be discussing this at their April meeting. We know you are outraged, angry, and saddened. We are too. Comments are best when they come from the heart and are short and to the point. The Commissioners have it in their ability to do something about this lawlessness by working with the Wyoming legislature. Please be polite and respectful in your comments and keep them succinct. Let the Commission know why this is important to you, even if you don’t live in Wyoming. Whether you can be there virtually or in person, please show up and speak for those without a voice. AND THIS FROM THE COWBOY STATE DAILY HERE IMPORTANT: IF YOU WANT TO ATTEND VIA ZOOM, YOU MUST SUMBIT A FORM TO SPEAK AHEAD OF TIME BY 5:00 THURSDAY, APRIL 11. THE FORM IS BELOW AND HAS TO BE EMAILED TO WGF COMMISSION CLERK TONI BELL AT TONI.BELL2@WYO.GOV WHAT: Wyoming Game and Fish Commission Meeting WHEN: Wednesday, April 17 – 8:00am – 12:30pm WHERE: Holiday Inn in Riverton, Wyoming at 900 East Sunset Drive |