A Grizzly Success: 399 Inspires New Coexistence Partnership

Grizzly Times essay number 6 is a full report on how community partners came together in Teton County to work toward getting to zero bear conflicts. Louisa Willcox, longtime bear advocate, conservationist, and previous Jackson resident, has been closely following this story and attempting to elucidate its larger lessons for improving the practice of human-bear coexistence at a time when threats to grizzlies are mounting. Her review of what happened and why it was successful outlines ten key aspects that brought this effort across the finish line:
  1. The Power of Icons
  2. Power of the Purse
  3. Minimal Ideological Stakes
  4. Citizen Power: The Grizzled Builder and the Young Bear Missionary
  5. Capable, Dedicated Government Leaders
  6. A Nimble, Committed Nonprofit (WWA!)
  7. Mutual Respect, Humility, Flexibility, and Working Together
  8. The Importance of Good Information
  9. Bear Watchers as Agents of Positive Change
  10. The Wisdom of Baby Steps

Read the full case study here.


Photo: Walt Ackerman