A new report from UNESCO, the Union of Concerned Scientists and UNEP says some World Heritage sites — including Yellowstone National Park — are under “dire threat from climate change”, and some may be damaged beyond saving.
“America’s Yellowstone National Park is also seeing firsthand effects of climate change as warmer winters have led to a decrease in snowfall. Scientists worry more severe and more frequent wildfires could drastically change impact fragile ecosystems in the park.”
Hello…USFWS? Are you listening? Grizzlies remain vulnerable and must continue to be protected under the Endangered Species Act!
If you oppose delisting the grizzlies of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem please sign the petition at bit.ly/dontdelistgrizzlies2016.
Over 110,000 people have signed and now we need YOUR signature! If you have signed already, thank you, and please share it!
#DontDelistGrizzlies #WarOnWildlife #GrizzlyBears #Yellowstone