Gifts for Wildlife Protection Now Matched!

Old Bill’s community fundraiser is open for donations! When you give through Old Bill’s, your dollars are matched so that we can do so much more for Wyoming’s wildlife. We have huge plans ahead but can’t do it without your help. Wyoming is a tough state to be a wild animal but we are here to fight for our grizzlies, wolves, elk, and other wild beings. Help us help them by giving a gift to wildlife! Thank you to the Community Foundation of Jackson Hole for being the center of philanthropy in Jackson. Our community is stronger through their support of non-profits.


Join us on run day September 7, 2019 to sign a petition in support of the Endangered Species Act. We will be on the town square from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm. The banner of support will be going to Wyoming Governor Gordon’s office in Cheyenne. Add your signature to let Wyoming’s elected officials know you support the ESA! Our grizzly bears depend on it!

Thanks to @kristinlindseyimages for the amazingly beautiful photo of the grizzly bear in Yellowstone National Park.