County Resolution Goes Into Effect July 1


Just a reminder that if you live in Teton County outside of Jackson city limits, you are required to secure all bear attractants starting July 1. Enforcement goes into effect on November 1, 2022. To see the language of section 5.1.3 of the county land development regulations, click here.
Thanks to storage at the National Elk Refuge, two large anonymous donations from incredible Teton County residents, dozens of volunteer hours, a community truck from Garth and Christy Gillespie, and super amazing Program Manager, Drew Gath, Jackson Hole Bear Solutions has placed over 220 bear-resistant trash cans throughout the county. We have also raised enough funds to purchase an additional truckload of cans thanks to the generous donations of people not only countywide but nationwide. You helped us meet the $50,000 match and purchase an additional truckload of 280 cans that will be here in late July/early August. Local trash haulers have also gotten out about 200-300 cans, getting us well underway to securing garbage in Teton County.

Read all about these updates and so much more in our June newsletter.

Apply for a can (or other resource) here. 

Apply to be a volunteer here. 

Donate to JH Bear Solutions here.

Photo: Drew Gath